Scholarship Program

Our mission is to provide better access to artistic education and performance opportunities
and through our scholarship program, you can help us make that a reality!
Scroll below to see our sponsorship tiers
One Time Donations

With a $25 donation, we can
Provide drumsticks for 2 drum classes
Provide a free practice drum pad to an RCEP member
Help pay for a portion of an RCEP member's class costs

With a $125 donation, we can
Provide 1 free music class to a member in need
Provide free drumsticks and drum pads for 5 members
Provide a guitar for an RCEP member

With a $50 donation, we can
Provide free drumsticks for all drum classes
Provide free practice drum pads for 2 RCEP members
Help pay for a portion of an RCEP member's class costs

With a $200+ donation, we can
Provide free music classes to 2 or more members in need
Provide free instruments (guitar, piano, or a drum pad)
Provide a free 2-hour workshop with two of our instructors.

Complimentary RCEP Sticker
Social Media Shoutout
One Time Donations
Perks and Benefits

Handwritten thank you card from our staff
Social Media Shoutout

Handwritten thank you card from the sponsored member
Social Media Shoutout
Discounted Event Tickets

Personalized thank You Video from Staff and Sponsored Member
Solo Social Media Shoutout
Acknowledgment in our Event Programs
Discounted Event Tickets and VIP Seating